Faculty of Political Science


The Master of political science and International Relations from the Faculty of political science and International Relations has a double vocation through two main objectives:

  • Provide highly professional training in multidisciplinary
  • Prepare students beyond their diversity suggests international issues in all their complexity


Pedagogy aims to make the students understand the complexity of decision making in the international environment to enable them to make choices and identify options for action.

Studying the conflicts and disputes with a view to their solution, decompartmentalize areas of study to better understand the nature of the exchanges between the public and private sectors, implement concrete situations for the students to confront theory and practice, which develops the personality to make it adaptable to all situations, are the pillars on which is built the edifice of the approach followed by this Master.



  • Managers specialized in political science and International Relations
  • Officials and managers of public administrations
  • Researchers or teachers
  • Consulting experts
  • Experts from NGOs and international organizations
  • Experts in environmental policies

This training is open to students who have reached a level of Bac + 3 or Bac + 4 in other areas other than political science and International Relations (law, economics, among others).