Radiation Protection

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

Are you a medical imaging, radiation, or nuclear medicine health professional? Are you interested by a Radioprotection Program? We have exciting news for you! Do not miss this unique opportunity offered by the Continuing Education Center (CEC) with the Faculty of Public Health at Université La Sagesse (ULS) and the Lebanese Atomic Energy Commission LAEC-CNRS...

Oral Contest

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

Apr 25, 2024

The Latest Advancements in Supply Chain Management and Technology

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

The Supply Chain Management department at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Université La Sagesse was thrilled to launch a series of conferences that aim at exploring the latest advancements in supply chain management and technology. Our inaugural event on April 29th, 2024 featured Mersaco, a leading pharmaceutical company in Lebanon. Mr. Alain...

Gestion du Temps et de l’Efficacité Personnelle

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

Le Centre de Formation Permanente (CFP) de l'Université La Sagesse (ULS) a organisé des ateliers pour le personnel de l'ULS sur le thème de la "Gestion du temps et de l'efficacité personnelle". Animée par M. Elie Moussallem, consultant et formateur en ressources humaines, cette initiative a permis aux participants d'explorer l'importance du classement des tâches...

Leadership in Nursing Conference

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

On the occasion of International Nurses’ Day, the department of Nursing Sciences at the faculty of Public Health initiated a conference on "Leadership in nursing" to showcase how Nursing shapes the Healthcare's Future, benefiting the economy and society. The conference hosted Mr Elie Aaraj, the Founding President of the Lebanese Order of Nurses and one...

FEBA Entrepreneurship Competition

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA) at Université La Sagesse just wrapped up the 1st edition of the FEBA Entrepreneurship Competition in collaboration with Pôle entrepreneuriat étudiant de Lorraine (PeeL)-Université de Lorraine. The event took place in the presence of Professor Georges Nehme, President of Université La Sagesse, Dr. Rayan Haykal, Vice-President for...

Concours du Meilleur Orateur

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

Le Centre de Langues de l’université la Sagesse (Le CDL) a organisé le jeudi 24 avril 2024, le Concours du meilleur Orateur dans les 3 langues : (arabe, français et anglais), pour les étudiants de la Communication orale. Par cet exercice le CDL a voulu donner la parole aux étudiant.e.s afin de s’exprimer devant leurs...

Atelier de Médiation

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

La Clinique Juridique de la Faculté de Droit à l’Université la Sagesse (ULS) en partenariat avec le Centre Professionnel de Médiation (CPM) de l'Université Saint-Joseph (USJ) et l'Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) ont célébré la clôture du second cycle d'ateliers de médiation lors d'une cérémonie de remise des diplômes tenue le vendredi 10 mai...

Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health in the Workplace

Huge thanks to Mrs. Arij Kaissi, educational psychologist, for her fantastic workshops providing ULS students with valuable insights into Emotional Intelligence and Mental Health in the Workplace . And many thanks to all ULS participants for their active involvement.

The FxPro Trading Competition

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Université La Sagesse organized a Forex trading competition in partnership with FxPro. This event aimed to provide an online trading experience for learning, skill development, and personal growth in the finance field. The event took place in the presence of Professor Georges Nehme, President of the University,...

Eye-levate Your Game

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

The Students Affairs Office at ULS in collaboration with Sports n Vision, organised an informative interactive workshop at the University's Main Hall. The Sports & Vision training team conducted the workshop and emphasized the importance of vision in sports. ULS students participated in this event and learned about a variety of services and equipment.

Marketing Competition

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, in collaboration with Rodeo In, conducted a unique marketing competition. Students were challenged with conducting thorough marketing research and crafting AI characters tailored for TikTok marketing. From the initial pool of 20 groups, only six distinguished themselves as finalists, showcasing their projects to Rodeo In's representatives. The students...

Capacity Building Workshop

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

Another outstanding series of workshops was conducted by Public Speaking and Capacity Building experts, Mr. Christopher El Murr and Mr. Kevin Awkar, at the ULS Career Center and Alumni Relations Office. The series comprised four workshops covering various topics, including public speaking anxiety, body language skills, emotional intelligence, and digital communication. ULS students enjoyed participating...

Pelvis & Lumbar Spine Advance Training

Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

Be Part of the Pelvis & Lumbar Spine Advance Training Days A collaboration between the Center for Continuing Education with the Faculty of Public Health at Université La Sagesse and International Osteopathic Training. Register through the link in bio.

Meeting with the Lebanese Order of Physiotherapists (LOPT)

Lebanese Order of Physiotherapists , Lebanon

Senior physiotherapy students from the Faculty of Public Health at Université La Sagesse recently participated in an insightful meeting organized by the Lebanese Order of Physiotherapists (LOPT). This event focused on understanding the profession’s laws, internal regulations, and the process for joining the LOPT post-graduation. Held on May 31, 2024, at the National Institute of...

Visit to the Lebanese Order of Nurses

Lebanese Order of Nurses , Lebanon

The Faculty of Public Health at Université La Sagesse is dedicated to fostering strong connections between our students and the professional world. Recently, our Nursing Sciences Department, represented by Dr. Ghada Khawand Ayle, Ms. Chantale El Hajj, and Ms. Darine Mouaness, accompanied third-year students from both the nursing degree program and the bridging program on...

Financial Modelling & VC Fundraising for Startups

The Center for Continuing Education (CCE) at Université La Sagesse organized a workshop titled "Financial Modelling & VC Fundraising for Startups." Conducted by: Mr. Mazen Nasser, CFA, CMA, FMVA Manager | EY Netherlands - CFO Consulting This practical workshop focused on: - Defining financial modelling in the context of VC fundraising & valuation - Understanding...



Université La Sagesse - Main Campus Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon

Université La Sagesse signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Human Capital Management (HCM) to offer training programs in Human Resources, Accounting and Finance, Taxation, and Internal Audit, aligned with industry best practices and standards. These programs will be accessible to students from all faculties, employees, alumni, and professional associations. Rector Professor Georges Nehme, addressing the...