Center for Languages
The mission of the Université La Sagesse Center of Languages is to address the language teaching and learning needs of the entire university community, assess learners’ skills, and grant certifications attesting to students’ levels of knowledge or proficiency.
All courses offered by the Center of Languages align with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and are rooted in active learning, aiming to provide La Sagesse students at all levels with the best possible oral and written communication learning experiences.
A diverse array of languages, including lesser-used ones, combined with cultural activities, serve to promote and safeguard multilingualism. This prepares future La Sagesse professionals and multilingual researchers to become more effectively engaged leaders in both their local communities and on a global scale. This is achieved through the enhancement of critical thinking skills that facilitate integration into social and professional spheres.
The center’s primary objective is to broaden students’ access to foreign universities through exchange programs or specialized opportunities such as workshops, training sessions, internships, and theses.
The Center of Languages emphasizes the importance of exposing language learners to different cultures, fostering tolerance, and promoting respect for others and the environment as integral components of its mission.
Language Learning Resources
Resources available to students for language learning:
– English Language Textbooks
– Handouts including but not limited to Powerpoints, Videos, Youtube Videos, Literature, Articles
– Academic Websites
– Flipped Classroom
Language Courses
Remedial Courses
– ARA 102 Arabic offered to students of the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Political Science
– FRN 101 Français B1 and FRN 102 Français B2 available to all students of all faculties
– ENG 101 English B1 and ENG 102 English B2 available to all students of all faculties
The Center for Languages has signed a partnership with the “Institut français du Liban” for the preparation and administration of certification exams at Université La Sagesse for obtaining a DELF B2 Certification.
Beginner-Level Foreign Language Courses
– Spanish: Level 1
– Italian: Level 1
– Russian: Level 1
– Chinese: Level 1
Advanced French Courses
– FRN 200 Techniques d’expression.
– FRN 202 Communication écrite et rhétorique.
– FRN 203 Techniques d’expression et de communication, cours à objectif spécifique.
– COM 206 Communication orale.
Advanced English Courses
– ENG 200 Writing Skills.
– ENG 202 Written Communication Rhetoric.
– ENG 203 Writing Skills and Communication with a specific objective.
– COM 206 Oral Communication.
English Placement Test
- Reading Comprehension This section evaluates students’ ability to understand and interpret various texts. Candidates will read a passage and answer multiple choice and true or false questions that assess their grasp of main ideas, details, and inferences.
- Grammar Focusing on tenses and pronouns, this part tests students’ knowledge of sentence structure and correct usage of tenses. Participants will fill in the blanks with correct tenses and different parts of speech, ensuring they demonstrate a solid understanding of English syntax.
- Vocabulary This segment assesses students’ word knowledge and contextual understanding. Test takers choose the most appropriate word from a list based on the context of a sentence.
- Opinion Essay In this section, students will compose a five-paragraph essay expressing their opinion on a given topic. This exercise evaluates their ability to articulate thoughts clearly, structure arguments effectively, and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar.
Test de placement
Le Test de placement en français est conçu pour évaluer les compétences des étudiants dans les principaux domaines de la langue. Il est formé de quatre composantes principales :
- Compréhension de l’écrit
Cette section évalue la capacité des étudiants à comprendre et à interpréter différents textes. Les candidats liront un passage et répondront à des questions à choix multiples et « vrai ou faux » qui évaluent leur compréhension des idées principales, des détails et des inférences. - Grammaire
En se concentrant sur les temps verbaux et les pronoms, cette partie teste les connaissances des étudiants en matière de structure de phrase et d’utilisation correcte des temps verbaux. Les participants devront compléter les blancs avec les temps verbaux corrects, démontrant ainsi une solide compréhension de la syntaxe française. - Vocabulaire
Ce segment évalue le vocabulaire des étudiants et leur compréhension contextuelle. Les candidats choisiront le mot le plus approprié parmi une liste en fonction du contexte. - Production écrite
Dans cette section, les étudiants rédigeront un texte argumentatif de cinq paragraphes exprimant leur opinion sur un sujet donné. Cet exercice évalue leur capacité à articuler clairement leurs pensées, à structurer efficacement leurs arguments et à utiliser un vocabulaire et une grammaire appropriés.
Dans l’ensemble, le Test de placement en français fournit une évaluation complète des compétences linguistiques des étudiants, garantissant ainsi leur placement dans les cours les plus adaptés à leur niveau.
Dolly Abi Aad | Course Coordinator, Non-Remedial English and Italian |
Rebecca Ammar | Course Coordinator, Remedial English and Spanish |
Sizanne Kheiralla | Course Coordinator, French and Russian |
Université La Sagesse
P.O. Box 50501, Furn El Chebbak, Lebanon
Pierre Abdessater
Upcoming Events and Blog Articles
Career Fair 2025 at Université La Sagesse
Wednesday, April 9th, 2025; from 12:00 p.m. till 4:00 p.m.

Protect Com de l’Université La Sagesse à la finale régionale du Hackathon AUF
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