How to Apply

Admission Application Process

Classes begin on Monday, September 9, 2024.

Begin Your Journey !

Step 01

Application Form

This step covers the initial submission of the application form, payment of fees, and registration for entrance exams or transfer results.




Application Form Submission

Application Fees Payment
Entrance Exam Registration Transfer Result Submission File Study
> Required Documents in Appendix

> Accounting Department USD 20


Step 02


Once the initial application steps are completed, we move to the assessment phase, where applicants receive their exam, transfer, or file study results.
This step also includes decisions regarding acceptance, which naturally follow the assessment of applicants’ qualifications.




Exam, Transfer,
and/or File Study Results
(Results sent by Email)

Undergraduate applicants
may retake the exam if necessary

Decision of Acceptance

Step 03

Complete File Submission

After receiving results and decisions, applicants are typically required to submit any additional necessary documents to complete their application files.
This step ensures that all required information is gathered before proceeding to registration.




Lebanese Baccalaureate and/or equivalent;
Submit additional Required Documents*

(issued less than 3 months before the beginning of classes)

File Activation (A.L)

Step 04


The final step involves the practical aspects of enrollment, such as settling payments, receiving credentials, and attending orientation sessions.
This step logically follows the completion of application files, as it represents the final stage of formalizing admission to the institution.




Settlement of the First Payment

ULS Credentials
(ULS E-mail; Username & Password)

Orientation Session (OS)
and Registration

> 48 hours prior the registration date

> An email is sent to your personal email

> To be assigned prior each semester

* Required Documents

  • Photocopy of the Identity Card (for Military: Status No. 2)
  • Official School Grades (grades 10, 11 & 12) (for undergraduate application)
  • University Transcripts (for transfer application)
  • Syllabi (for transfer application)
  • A certified copy of the Bachelor’s degree (for graduate application)
  • A certified copy of the University Transcripts (for graduate application)
  • Curriculum Vitae (for graduate application)
  • For Public Health Candidates: Two recommendation letters (template form to be presented in a sealed envelope) (for graduate application)
  • File Assessmentfees USD 20 *

*Prices are subject to change.

For further information, please contact the Office of Admission and Orientation at 01 291 091 or via email at

Future Students, Join Université La Sagesse!


Find detailed information for the Enrolment Calendar and Admission Exam Dates.


Find detailed instructions of the 4 Steps Admission Process for submitting Admission Requirements Documents including :
(1) Application Form Submission and Fees, (2) Entrance Exams Registration and Results, (3) Complete Official Documents Requirements, and (4) Registration.