Faculté de Tourisme et de Gestion Hôtelière
Wine O'Clock
jeudi 06 avr. 2017
Wine O'Clock
Wine O'Clock
Wine O'Clock
Wine O'Clock
Wine O'Clock
Wine O'Clock
Wine O'Clock
Wine O'Clock
Wine O'Clock

In accordance with the faculty curriculum, the second year students must collaborate on a project where teamwork is essential in order to acquire managerial competencies and combine practice with theory. This year, the first group chose the theme, “Wine O’Clock.”


In April of 2017, the students created, planned, and executed their banquet event which was a special evening of entertainment and culinary delights.


The entire Le Gastronomique ballroom was transformed into a Lebanese winery with vines, grapes, barrels, wine bottles, and costumed staff, keeping in line with the theme of the evening.  Guests were treated to a live show with music, singing, and dancing. 


The students prepared and served a dinner which consisted of grilled shrimp embellished with avocado tartar and quinoa, a roast beef wallet stuffed with mushroom duxelle and potato croquettes, gourmet cheese and nuts, and pistachio dacquoise served with honeycomb and thyme frozen parfait.   All sections of the ballroom were named after grapes, including Pinot Gris, Syrah, and Grenache.