Faculty Of Economics and Business Administration
Remedial Courses
Courses Prerequisite Number Of Credits Course Language  
ENL 099: Basic English Language 3 English

This course provides students with an integrated skill approach to understand and practice English grammar. It is based on thematic instruction that combines controlled and communicative practice with critical thinking skills and ongoing assessment.
A "B+" grade or higher in this course will allow the student to skip ENL100 in the English sequence.

ENL 100: Intensive English ENL 099 3 English

This course allows the student to learn the English language through reading, writing, and speaking activities. New vocabulary will be introduced throughout the course and there will be special emphasis on correct pronunciation and spelling. The course encourages the student to practice the rules that govern grammar, lexis and sentence structure, and offers plentiful opportunities to use the language in a realistic way.
A "B+" grade or higher in this course will allow the student to skip ENL101 in the English sequence.

ENL 101: English I ENL 100 3 English

The course focuses on reading skills by introducing key grammar and vocabulary through authentic texts taken from various business-related sources. It provides a large amount of language input, formal processing of grammar and plenty of written and spoken language practice.
A "B+" grade or higher in this course will exempt the student from any other remedial English course.

ENL 102: English II ENL 101 3 English

This course offers a realistic, informative and accessible approach to key business concepts, supported by a carefully designed syllabus. The student will acquire business language skills, new business vocabulary while at the same time bridging the gap between knowing grammatical structures and using them.

FRL 099: Français de Base 3 French

Le français de base s'adresse à des apprenants de Français Langue étrangère, grands adolescents ou adultes. La perspective privilégiée est de type actionnel en ce qu'elle considère avant tout l'usager et l'apprenant d'une langue comme des acteurs sociaux ayant à accomplir des tâches (qui ne sont pas seulement langagières) dans des circonstances et un environnement entrepreneuriaux, à l'intérieur du domaine d'action des affaires.
Une note supérieure ou égale à « B+ » dans ce cours permettra à l'étudiant de passer au niveau FRL101 des cours de français.

FRL 100: Français Intensif FRL 099 3 French

Ce cours vise à répondre à des besoins immédiats et urgents d'apprentissage de la langue française. Il offre une formation en communication écrite et orale telle qu'elle se pratique en français dans le monde des affaires. A l'aide d'un survol de l'usage du langage administratif, il prépare l'apprenant à acquérir le niveau A2 du CECR (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence).
Une note supérieure ou égale à « B+ » dans ce cours permettra à l'étudiant de passer au niveau FRL102 des cours de français.

FRL 101: Français I FRL 100 3 French

Ce cours permet à l'apprenant d'éviter les erreurs qui pourraient compromettre la qualité de sa communication que ce soit au niveau de l'écrit ou de l'oral. Il le rend capable d'agir et de réagir en français dans des situations variées du monde des affaires, par la réalisation de tâches diverses. Par la richesse, la variété et le pragmatisme de son contenu, ce cours prépare efficacement au niveau B1 du CECR (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence).
Une note supérieure ou égale à « B+ » dans ce cours dispensera l'étudiant d'autres cours de mise à niveau de français.

FRL 102: Français II FRL 101 3 French

Français II a pour objectif de faire acquérir des savoir-faire permettant de maîtriser la langue dans la plupart des situations spécifiques de la vie professionnelle des affaires (comprendre le monde du travail, parler de sa consommation, négocier un prix, faire des recommandations, exprimer des idées, comprendre les points de vue et rechercher un emploi).

MAT 101: Algebra and Statistics 3 English / French

This course consists of a simple illustration of various and essential subjects of algebra such as: set theory, mathematical logic, set of numbers, polynomials, second degree equations, systems of linear equations, and inequalities. In addition, the course provides an introduction to the concepts of descriptive statistics and probability theory.

MAT 102: Calculus 3 English / French

This course deals with essential subjects of Calculus such as: Functions of real variables, Arithmetic and Geometric sequences, Logarithm and Exponential functions, and Integrals.

ECO 110: General Economics 3 English / French

The purpose of this course is to provide students with basic knowledge about different economic laws and systems that will allow them to analyze different economic situations. General Economics covers different themes: problems of growth and development, economic systems, economic crisis and cycles, and economic policies.

GER Electives
Courses Prerequisite Number Of Credits Course Language  
GER 240: Cultural Studies ENL 102, FRL 102 3 English / French

The course introduces cultural studies, emphasizing the history, theoretical foundations and the disciplinary boundaries and traditions worldwide. It will also focus on the intellectual development of cultural studies by reviewing basic ideologies and concepts.

GER 250: Sustainable Development ENL 102, FRL 102 3 English / French

This course will introduce to students the core concepts, principles and practices of sustainable development (SD). It examines the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of SD by focusing on «Green» management, changing patterns of consumption, and distribution of resources. It also aims to clarify the organizational and economic framework in which the concept of sustainable development appears as well as the relation between companies and their environment.

GER 270: Human Rights ENL 102 3 English / Arabic

The primary aim of this course is to encourage and teach students to develop critical thinking about political and cultural dimensions of democracy and Human Rights. The course focuses on different strategies of democracy in relation to Human Rights issues such as the origin and thoughts of Human Rights issues in law, local and international politics and application.

GER 310: Enseignement Social de l’Eglise - Social Christian Studies - تعليم الكنيسة الإجتماعي 3 Arabic

ان غاية هذه المادة هي تعريف الطالب بالمذاهب الإقتصادية بشكل عام وتفكير الكنيسة حول هذه المذاهب والخطوط العريضة من أجل العمل الإقتصادي المستند الى أخلاقيات الأعمال، وذلك بغية تزويد الطلاب بالمقاييس الصحيحة الصالحة لتكون سبباً أساسياً في نجاح كل عمل أو مشروع أو نهج إداري.ان تعليم الكنيسة الإجتماعي المستقى من رسائل الأحبار والأساقفة يتناول العمل البشري في الأمور الزمنية انطلاقاً من الخدمة المجانية مروراً بالعمل المأجور وصولاً الى ميادين الإقتصاد والسياسة من المجتمع الصغير أي العائلة امتداداً حتى الأمم المتحدة.
تتناول تعاليم الكنيسة حق الإنسان بالعمل وتعتبره مشاركة الله في تطوير الذات والمجتمع. كما تتناول الميادين الإقتصادية من المشاريع الصغرى الى المؤسسات الإقتصادية العالمية وتضع أسساً عقلانية وأخلاقية لنجاح هذه المؤسسات والقيام بدورها الناجح.

GER 320: Droit du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale - Social Security and Labor Law - قانون العمل والضمان الإجتماعي 3 Arabic

تحتوي هذه المادة على المبادئ الأساسية المتعلقة بقضايا العمل والضمان الإجتماعي وهي تعمل على تعريف الطلاب على أهمّ القوانين في الحقل الاجتماعي الضروري اطلاعهم عليها في ممارستهم لاية مهنة يختارونها بعد نيلهم شهادتهم. تعتبر هذه المادة خلاصة القوانين الرئيسية الاربعة في التشريع الاجتماعي، أي : قانون العمل- قانون الضمان الاجتماعي- قانون عقود العمل الجماعية والوساطة والتحيكم - قانون طوارىء العمل.

GER 330: Public Finance - Finances Publiques - المالية العامة 3 Arabic

تعنى هذه المادة بشكل أساسي بدراسة مالية الدولة لناحية الإيرادات العامة ( الضرائب والرسوم ...) والنفقات وهي تنطلق من الموازنة للحديث عن اعدادها وإقرارها وتنفيذها ومراقبة تنفيذها، ودور السلطات المختصة في كافة مراحل الإعداد والتنفيذ. لن تقتصر الدراسة على المقاربات القانونية الوضعية بل ستتعدى ذلك الى بحث مفاهيم موازنة الأداء والبرامج وتصنيف الموازنة للنظر في امكانية افادة القطاعات المختلفة من المال العام، وسيجري البحث في دور المواطن في الموازنة وكيفية قراءة الأرقام العامة والحسابات الإدارية للتعرف على أوجه الإنفاق العام وموارده ومصير أموال الشعب.

GER 360: Real Estate Management - إدارة الشؤون العقارية 3 Arabic

تتناول هذه المادة ادارة الشؤون العقارية، وتنطلق من تعريف السجل العقاري ووثائقه والقيود الجارية فيه وما يترتب عليها من نتائج، وتعرِج على التأمين العقاري لتعريفه وبيان إجراءاته، ومن ثم يتناول الحديث تنظيم الملكية المشتركة في العقارات المبنية وكيفية إكتساب الشركات للحقوق العينية في لبنان ليتنهي بدراسة مختلف الرسوم العقارية وحالات الاعفاء منها، ان مقاربات هذه المادة ونطاق تعليمها تعطي معلومات هامة عن ادارة العقارات والإستدامة فيها.

GER xxx: Free Elective (Sport, Language,...) 3  
General Education Requirements (GER) (42 credits)
Courses Prerequisite Number Of Credits Course Language  
ECO 210: Principles of Microeconomics QMB 210 3 English / French

This course observes the behavior of individuals and firms, analyses their choices in production, consumption, and the fixing of prices and revenues. It also seeks to understand the strengths and weaknesses that control the market mechanisms. This course is concerned with the analysis of various market structures and their functional differences. It also observes the behavior of the firm and the consequences of the decisions it makes on the maximizations of its profits.

ECO 220: Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 210 3 English / French

This course provides with the tools to understand the economic situation for any country, and explain real and monetary flows on the aggregate level of a country. National and international economic issues are analyzed with basic concepts and tools of macroeconomic analysis.

GER 200: Writing Skills ENL 102 / FRL 102 3 English / French

Writing Skills is a course that takes students from paragraph structuring to essay writing through a process approach. It teaches learners how to order and link paragraphs into cohesive and coherent essays and to create the various paragraph types that are used in writing business-related assignments. Writing Skills includes work on how to generate ideas, organize material, draft, and review and revise written work.

GER 202: Sophomore Rhetoric GER 200, FRL 102 3 English / French

This course focuses on critical thinking, reading, and writing with special emphasis on argument and persuasion. The course material will address current and controversial issues in the world of business. Students will be expected to conduct independent research. Debates and general discussions will require students to provide facts, examples, and other types of evidence to support statements and points of views.

GER 204: Business Communication GER 200 3 English / French

The course helps students use technology wisely, work quickly, and communicate with close attention to ethics and etiquette. The first part of the course focuses on the 3-step writing process by analyzing the audience, the situation, and the media in order to deliver an accepted message. The second part of the course focuses on writing reports, doing oral presentations by designing and writing power point slides. The last part focuses on writing employment messages and interviewing for jobs.

GER 206: Oral Communication Arts GER 202 3 English / French

This course focuses on public speaking in the context of business. The course material will address current methods in presenting oral presentations. Along with developing listening and note-taking skills, students will be expected to gain experience in organizing ideas, researching evidence for support of speeches, writing preparation and delivery outlines, analyzing different types of audiences, and presenting oral presentations, both with and without visual aid.

GER 210: Computer Skills 3 English

This course introduces Information Technology in view of its applications in business. It aims at giving the students necessary skills to automate office work. Topics covered are: PC hardware and basic software, Networks, the Windows environment, office tools. Laboratory sessions will fully support word processing (Word), spreadsheets (Excel) in detail, and presentation programs like Power Point. It will also familiarize students with Web browsers and the HTML markup language.

GER 220: Advanced Computer Skills GER 210 3 English

This course is intended to familiarize the student with the use and application of database functions in the solving of business problems. Databases systems will be covered with the study of Microsoft Access: ERD, queries and forms, simple SQL Statements. Students will be expected to develop a working knowledge using these tools.

GER 230: Business Law 3 English / French

The main objective of this course is to provide the students with a solid background in Lebanese Commercial Law. It covers the essentials of the Lebanese Commercial Law and their application in the Lebanese judicial system; it will be based on a wide number of practical cases and examples that make students understand the law when it comes into practice. Topics include: the nature of the law, the court systems, contracts, commercial paper, business man or merchant, agency, partnerships, corporations, and banking operations.

تتضمن هذه المادة دراسة القواعد العامة لقوانين التجارة والأعمال والشركات التجارية في لبنان، وهي تظهر المعلومات الأساسية لبيئة العمل التجارية وحدود الحقوق والموجبات فيها.
يتألف برنامج المادة من المواضيع التالية: الأشخاص القانونيون والذمة المالية - العقود - الأعمال التجارية - التجار - المؤسسة التجارية – الشركات التجارية ( شركة التضامن، الشركة المحدودة المسؤولية،الشركة المساهمة).

MIS 400: Business Information Systems GER 210, MGT 210 3 English

This course focuses on the critical personal and organizational issues of the management information systems (MIS) function. The course presents an organizational view of how to use information technology to create competitive firms, manage global organizations, and provide useful products and services to customers. Topics IT infrastructure, IS types, databases and business intelligence, telecommunication systems, and the strategic use of information systems, and social and ethical issues involved with information systems.

QMB 210: Business Math MAT 101, MAT 102 3 English / French

This course surrounds fundamental topics from General and Financial Math; e.g. matrix algebra; system of linear equations; functions of real variable; integrals; logarithm and exponential functions, functions of several variables; simple and compound interests, simple and General Annuities, and Amortization Tables.

QMB 220: Quantitative Methods for Business QMB 210 3 English / French

This course provides students with basic knowledge of analyzing data using various statistical techniques; such as Descriptive Statistics and Probability, Correlation Regression Analysis, Estimation and hypotheses testing methods as to how and where appropriately they can be applied.

Major Requirements (33 credits)
Courses Prerequisite Number Of Credits Course Language  
MIS 311: Discrete structures for MIS MAT 101 English / French

The course introduces the concepts of Set Theory, Mathematical Logic, and Boolean Algebra, with an emphasis on how discrete structures can be employed in solving business problems. Exposes the use of the Binary, Octal, and hexadecimal number systems. Students learn basics of number theory, sequences and series as applied in finance and how graph theory can optimize business problems.

MIS 410: Database Design and Administration MIS 400 3 English / French

This course introduces students to the fundamental concepts needed to collect, organize and share data across an organization. The course covers data definition, modeling and normalization of data, and the retrieval and update of data using the Structured Query Language (SQL). Students will be required to design a term project involving a database software product using SQL Server as a database management system.

MIS 420: Networking and Telecommunications GER 210 3 English / French

This course provides an in-depth knowledge of data communication and networking requirement including networking and telecommunication technologies, hardware and software. Emphasis is upon the analysis and design of networking, cost-benefit analysis, and evaluation of connectivity options are also covered. Students learn to evaluate and select different communication options within an organization.

MIS 430: Business Programming I GER 220 3 English / French

This course introduces the basic concepts of programming. It focuses first on creating a logical solution for problem solving using sometimes flowcharts or pseudo codes, then developing a solution using a programming language such as VB. Main problems and applications are taken from a business environment. Basic discussed topics are: Data types; Expressions; Variables and operators; Control structures; Arrays; Procedures; functions and Modules; Strings; Graphical user interface.

MIS 440: Business Programming II MIS 430 3 English / French

A continuation of MIS430 with an Object Oriented approach using the .NET platform. Students are expected to document and develop a business application using a database connection.

MIS 445: Systems Analysis and Design MGT 210 3 English / French

This course is designed to identify study and analyze the components of business information systems in view of its automation. Topics covered include project initiation, business process reengineering, requirements gathering, methodologies and tools (ERD, DFD, and UML). Emphasis will be placed on business practices and documentation skills in a team environment. Students will conduct a systems study and will present their findings in oral and written form using Microsoft Visio.

MIS 450: Essentials of Java programming for Business MIS 430 English / French

This course covers the most important parts of Java to students already
familiar with basic programming concepts. It introduces Java paradigms in Object Oriented design and basic data structures frequently used in Business apps. It provides basics of the Java platform, and it also covers the material for the 1st Level of certification in Java Programming. A term project is required.

MIS 460: Administration of Information Security 3 English

This course covers the examination of the policies, procedures and staffing functions necessary to organize an administrative ongoing security functions in the organization. Topics include security practices, security architecture and models, continuity planning and disaster recovery planning. Students will learn to use the tools that will assist in the management process.

MIS 470: Web Application and Development MIS 410, MIS 420 3 English

This course focuses on the design of business applications in the web environment. Topics include corporate portal, client-server and web applications. Students will understand the principles of distributed application; learn how to set-up a web server and build web applications with database connectivity. Several tools, software packages, and example web applications will be demonstrated.

MIS 475: E-business and Mobile Technology MIS 400, MIS 470 3 English

The objective of this course is to give students a fundamental understanding of E-business concepts and new emerging mobile applications. Students become familiar with infrastructure requirements needed to do business on the web and the architecture of mobile apps. Topics covered are: web-based tools; security issues faced by online businesses; electronic payment systems; and the legal, ethical and international issues that impact an online business. A term project is required.

MIS 480: MIS Project Management MIS 400 3 English

The course covers essential concepts in the developing of an IS project and includes planning, development, organization, control and estimation of a project and its resources. Topics covered: MIS project stages, work breakdown structure, scheduling, project risk analysis and management, quality control, project resources, monitoring and completion. Students will be exposed to CPM/PERT using Microsoft Project and will develop and present a project.

QMB 410: Operations Research QMB 220 3 English / French

This course introduces students to deterministic and stochastic models in operations research. It helps them formulate, analyze, and solve mathematical models that represent real-world problems. The course covers linear programming and the simplex algorithm, transportation, networks, integer and Queuing models, and allocation problems.

Minor Requirements (18 credits)
Courses Prerequisite Number Of Credits Course Language  
ACT 210: Principles of Accounting I ENL 101, FRL 101 3 English / French

This course introduces students to the basic techniques of accounting in which they study how to record, classify, and summarize business events for financial reporting purposes. It also helps them to understand and know how to prepare financial statements, namely income statement; statement of owner's equity and balance sheet, and how they are related.

ACT 220: Principles of Accounting II ACT 210 3 English / French

This course is a continuation of accounting one in which students are introduced to more details about financial statement items for better decision making.

FIN 330: Financial Analysis ACT 220 3 English / French

This course deals with the execution of financial planning, the time value of money concepts, the management of cash flow, working capital management, forecasting, and the analysis of financial statements and ratios.

FIN 340: Financial Management FIN 330 3 English / French

This course deals with the concept of risk & return, bonds &stock's valuation methods, capital budgeting techniques, project cash flows & risk analysis, cost of capital, capital structure, dividend policy and strategic long-term financing decisions.

MGT 210: Principles of Management ENL 101, FRL 101 3 English / French

This course provides students with fundamental knowledge in the field of management: Topics covered include: historical approaches, contemporary management theories, the four management functions (Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling) and the role of managers in modern organizations.

MKT 210: Principles of Marketing ECO 210 3 English / French

This course introduces and helps the students learn and apply the basic concepts and practices of modern Marketing as they are used in a variety of settings, mainly after the world wide changes introduced by the internet revolution and the challenges of the globalization.